How to Install Localhost/phpmyadmin using XAMPP


What is localhost phpmyadmin

Localhost/phpMyAdmin is a web-based database tool that is used for managing MySQL and MariaDB databases. It is written in the PHP programming language, which is available as an open-source tool.

PhpMyAdmin allows a wide range of DB operations, like:

  1. Creating & Modifying Tables
  2. Creating & Modifying Rows
  3. Importing & exporting data
  4. Running SQL queries
  5. Managing users and more

By installing PhpMyAdmin on a web server, it can be accessed using any web browser, like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and more. by following the URL: http://localhost/phpmyadmin.

In other cases, if it is installed on some other port, like 8080, the URL can be accessed at http://localhost:8080/phpmyadmin.

phpMyAdmin has a wide range of features

  1. Database administration
  2. Table administration
  3. SQL query editor
  4. Graphics
  5. Multiple server support
  6. Managing Data

How to Install localhost/phpMyAdmin on Your Windows

Step 1: Downloading XAMPP

It is a free, cross-platform web server stack package that is open source. It provides all important components for the development and testing of dynamic web applications. It is a popular choice for developers as it is easy to use and has a cross-platform web server stack that is also secure.

For Downloading XAMPP visit: ApacheFriends.Org and download the suitable version for your Operating System.

If you’re anywhere facing issues in configuring your WiFi router, Read this article: Login Admin

Step 2: Installing XAMPP

Double click on XAMPP downloaded File
Click on Yes
Click on Ok
Click on Next
Click on Next
Click on Next
Proceed to Next
Click on Next
Wait for the Process to complete
Click on Allow Access
completing xampp setup
Click On Finish

Step 3: Running XAMPP webserver to use phpMyAdmin

xampp control panel started
Launch XAMPP from the start menu, and then click Start Apache. It will open in a web browser, followed by the path localhost/dashboard.
running xampp
Then click on MySQL to start once it starts, which is highlighted by green, and then click on Admin to launch localhost/phpmyadmin/ on your web browser.

As phpmyadmin used the default port 80, if it was already used in your system, it would show sometimes an error.

port error xampp
Change phpMyAdmin port from 80 to another number

To change the default port used by phpmyadmin, you need to click on Config => Apache (httpd.conf).

changing port on xampp
A file would open; scroll down a few lines, and you would be able to see ’80’ mentioned after listening, so change it to another available port like 8080 or 8888.
httpd config file changing port xampp
Once you changed the port successfully, save the file by CTRL + S and edit the default URL to http://localhost:8080/phpmyadmin by adding the port number in the URL.


Congratulations, you have successfully installed phpMyAdmin on your Windows computer!
With phpMyAdmin, you can easily manage your MySQL databases.

To access phpMyAdmin, simply open a web browser and type http://localhost/phpmyadmin into the address bar after starting apache and mysql from XAMPP server
We hope this blog post has been helpful. If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below.

Trouble Shooting Guide

Issue running XAMPP MySQL without Administrator permission – Port 3306 not showing and Access Denied on localhost/phpmyadmin
  1. Try Running your Xampp from start menu to “Run As Administrator”
run as administrator xampp

2. Check your port: If your default port is busy and used by something else, you need to change the default port to another, like 8080 or more.

Open the XAMPP Control Panel, then click on Netstat to check which port it is using.

change port in my ini file  xampp

How to change XAMPP apache server port?

click on Config => Apache (httpd.conf).


Here change the port number to 8080 or 8888 and save the file

After initiating the XAMPP Server, access the URL http://localhost:8080/phpmyadmin/ or replace “8080” with the new port number you are using.

How To Open PHP MyAdmin?

Refer the above article for detailed steps on How to Install XAMPP server and use PHP MyAdmin

Can we get PHP MyAdmin in CPanel?

Yes, you can add PHP MyAdmin in CPanel.

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About Nitish Singh Chauhan

Tech Enthusiast | Programmer | SEO Specialist With a passion for technology for over 9 years, I've gained experience working with various startups as a programmer and SEO specialist. My journey began through self-learning and online courses, where I mastered HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Python. I thrived on the challenges faced while launching my own company focused on Information Transport Systems (ITS) using IoT technology. This experience ignited my interest in SEO, website design, and development. A firm believer in the power of open-source communities, I'm excited to share my knowledge and contribute through informative blog posts and engaging videos. Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn for any questions, and I'd be happy to help!

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